Freename explained

The inventor, provider and registry of Freename domains
Forum rules
You are invited to an honest and open discussion about Web3 domains.

Anyhow, to make this forum an attractive platform for everyone, we want to enable a pleasant discussion basis, which is why there are a few rules - as follows.

Any comments containing the following elements will be deleted without further notice:
1. Harassment, disrespect & incitement for violation of law
2. Posts without the slightest relation to forum topics & spam
3. Multiple registrations of members & duplicated content
We do everything we can to make visitors of this forum feel comfortable here.

And now have fun around Web3 domains!

Freename explained

Postby » Sat 29. Apr 2023, 12:35

In short:

Web3 TLDs and Domains: brandable, usable and multi-chain. Name your web3 identity, build decentralized websites, earn passive income. Yours, forever.

Buy Web3 Domains and TLDs here:!
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Posts: 567
Joined: Wed 19. Apr 2023, 11:09

by Advertising » Sat 29. Apr 2023, 12:35


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